stage loader การใช้
- The bytes of its second-stage loader are read from paper tape in reverse order.
- The length of the second stage loader is such that the final byte overwrites location 7.
- After the instruction in location 6 executes, location 7 starts the second stage loader executing.
- The second stage loader then waits for the much longer tape containing the operating system to be placed in the tape reader.
- At the main gate the coal is usually reduced in size in a crusher, and loaded onto the first conveyor belt by the " beam stage loader " ( BSL ).
- The difference between the boot loader and second stage loader is the addition of checking code to trap paper tape read errors, a frequent occurrence with relatively low-cost, " part-time-duty " hardware, such as the Teletype Model 33 ASR . ( Friden Flexowriters were far more reliable, but also comparatively costly .)
- :The distinction is blurred anyway; even on a very simple microcontroller one frequently runs a primitive micro-executive which handles some very basic things like threading and messaging, and it's very common to end up with a two-stage loader ( smartcards run tiny H8-3xx or 8051 microcontrollers, yet still contain things their authors optimistically call " applications " ) .-- Talk 19 : 56, 8 June 2011 ( UTC)